Friday, November 7, 2008

Do u ever wish you could go back in time?

So ya today was a so-so Friday, I mean it was ok but I was exhausted and its was yucky and rainy outside. So ya life has been ok lately, but everything has been soo confusing. idk I just haven't been the greatest lately. Headaches daily and confusion are two words that can sum-up my week. Sometimes I wish I could be a freshman again ya know? I had sooo much fun my freshman year and everything was perfect.... Sophomore yr has just been so-so so far. I remeber when I used to wish I was a sophomore lol, but now I'm like, dang freshman yr was cool. But being a sophomore has its pro's. I love all my classes like computer art(my fav) and stuff so thats cool. and I can't wait to get my license in April :) And I can't forget how lovely homecoming was this yr, it was sweet ;) So ya I can't wait for christmas, its my fav time of the year. Everyone is always in the spirit and idk it just seems like everything is awesome.
The only thing I don't like about christmas is the cold... but somehow I don't even care.... just being w/ family and all my BFF's makes me happy.

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