Wednesday, November 19, 2008

soo tired of....

sick of boyz bein soooo stupid lol
they are sooo immature and don't
know how to let a girl know that
they like theminstead they act dumb
and tryto hide their feelings and all I
can say is...GROW UP and be a real
guy, have the nerveto let a girl know
whenyou like them cause you never
know they couldjust feel the same way
too and were waitin' for that special
momentwhen you said the magic words
" WILL you be my GIRLFRIEND"
just some advice for all the dudes out
there, trust me this is soooo true!



Erin Downs said...

Sheesh. I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

omg that is so true! but u kno wat? if a guy is gonna be childish and immature then they aint worth it! u need a guy that can just talk 2 u and tell u how he feels lol